Two parents, three life, making mistakes, loving to the best of our ability...together.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
A Transition of Teeth.
Colin finally lost that top front tooth. He looks so cute. I'll have to post a picture as soon as I can get him to sit still. He went to Aunt Alicia's with Mum-Mum for movie night and he's been a little bonkers all day. Thanks guys. He had a blast as usual! So in turn for him losing a tooth, Chloe got two more...six now. She might actually have a full mouth by the time she reaches two years old. So, for every one he's lost, she's gotten two. Other than that, things are normal, normal, normal here. We head to Children's Thursday for Audiology and Orthopedics appointments.
I know I've mentioned her before, but today is an important day. She heads to the hospital today to begin chemo treatments in preparation for her bone marrow transplant next week. Please, please, please take many moments to pray for her and her mom and dad. How hard this struggle has to be.

Her mom posted this picture last night. Chloe and Alivia have the same hat and gloves. She is only months older than our baby girl. So hard to even imagine the battle they are fighting right now. Please pray. Thanks.
Her mom posted this picture last night. Chloe and Alivia have the same hat and gloves. She is only months older than our baby girl. So hard to even imagine the battle they are fighting right now. Please pray. Thanks.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Colin signed up today for a Read-a-thon to benefit Multiple Sclerosis. He is really excited about it and looking for pledges. Basically, you pledge a donation of so much per book, such as 50 cents per book, at the end of March, we'll total his books read and that times your amount will give us the total donation. He's really excited about it and plans to read at least 1 book a day. Thanks to NaNa and PaPa, the Jordan's, Gramie and Pop, and Grammie and Pap for your pledges! He's so excited. So far he's raised nearly $10.00. Just let me know if you would like to pledge as well, either via e-mail or a post.
By the way, he is doing this on his own, not through school, or an organization. We saw the flyer and I explained what it was for and he made the decision to take on the challenge. It's moments like these that let me know that as parents, we really must be doing something right. I'm a proud mommy. :)
By the way, he is doing this on his own, not through school, or an organization. We saw the flyer and I explained what it was for and he made the decision to take on the challenge. It's moments like these that let me know that as parents, we really must be doing something right. I'm a proud mommy. :)
Friday, February 23, 2007
Baby Blue Nose.
This afternoon, Chloe's nose took on a slightly blue hue. Jeremy noticed it right after I finished feeding her blueberry yogurt. I swore it was the yogurt. I lost the bet. Nope, the whole left side of her little nose is bruised. Doesn't seem to be bothering her though! (Except when I tried to scrub the blueberry yogurt off! :) Oops!)
Chloe's Cold and Colin's Teeth.
Chloe's had a runny nose for what feels like forever, so yesterday, after more than 2 weeks of wiping, we headed to the pediatrician. She has a sinus infection. After only 2 doses of amoxicillin, she seems remarkabley better.
Colin headed to the dentist today for a routine check-up. His jaw has shifted more over the last six months and his dentist is concerned with how tight his facial muscles are. The tightness is making is more difficult for him to open his mouth fully. So, he is going to consult with the craniofacial team and we are now on a 3 month recheck schedule for the dentist. So much for routine. The top middle front tooth he has left is incredibly loose, but will not come out. The dentist said that it is because of the lack of room for his adult teeth, the roof of his mouth is not expanding as wide as it should and is creating pressure around the tooth, which is no longer attached. So, as a result, the inflammation is causing an infection in the surrounding gums. But, not a single sign of decay! Yah! No cavities in sight.
Colin headed to the dentist today for a routine check-up. His jaw has shifted more over the last six months and his dentist is concerned with how tight his facial muscles are. The tightness is making is more difficult for him to open his mouth fully. So, he is going to consult with the craniofacial team and we are now on a 3 month recheck schedule for the dentist. So much for routine. The top middle front tooth he has left is incredibly loose, but will not come out. The dentist said that it is because of the lack of room for his adult teeth, the roof of his mouth is not expanding as wide as it should and is creating pressure around the tooth, which is no longer attached. So, as a result, the inflammation is causing an infection in the surrounding gums. But, not a single sign of decay! Yah! No cavities in sight.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Mom of the Year!
Yep! Once again the award goes to: Me.
I took Chloe out to get Colin off the bus on Tuesday. Usually she rides in her stroller, but I figured she has already gotten so great at walking and the warm weather had cleared the sidewalks of I put on her shoes and off we went. She was walking great. As we stood at the bus stop, she let go of my hand and was standing, looking around, checking out the neighbor's twin boys. I started chatting with the other moms. Next thing you know, down goes Chloe. Unfortunately, she is still pretty top heavy and her face broke her fall. She had mud all over her cheek, up her nose, on her jacket. And scratches from her nose to her eye on the right side, as well as a cut, blood and all, on the right side of her nose.
Yep, mom of the year, that's me. :) As the night went on, her cheek swelled up and the scratches got redder. I'd post a pic, but my camera is MIA. Thankfully, baby skin heals well and the scratches are already pretty much gone. She just has a big old scab on her little nose. From the mouth of Nana "oh, poor baby girl!"
I took Chloe out to get Colin off the bus on Tuesday. Usually she rides in her stroller, but I figured she has already gotten so great at walking and the warm weather had cleared the sidewalks of I put on her shoes and off we went. She was walking great. As we stood at the bus stop, she let go of my hand and was standing, looking around, checking out the neighbor's twin boys. I started chatting with the other moms. Next thing you know, down goes Chloe. Unfortunately, she is still pretty top heavy and her face broke her fall. She had mud all over her cheek, up her nose, on her jacket. And scratches from her nose to her eye on the right side, as well as a cut, blood and all, on the right side of her nose.
Yep, mom of the year, that's me. :) As the night went on, her cheek swelled up and the scratches got redder. I'd post a pic, but my camera is MIA. Thankfully, baby skin heals well and the scratches are already pretty much gone. She just has a big old scab on her little nose. From the mouth of Nana "oh, poor baby girl!"
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Happy, happy birthdays!
Friday was Colin's Valentine's Day party at school. The kids had a ton of fun and it was great to be a part of that. Chloe visited with Gram and Pap Carnahan. Thanks so much for watching her! And Colin and I visited for a while in the afternoon after school. Saturday was a birthday party at the best bowling alley ever! Happy Birthday, Krystal! Colin got to use his glow-in-the-dark ball for the first time. Thanks, Aunt Sherri! He loved it and bowled a 92. Not bad for a little guy!
Sunday we visited at Gram and Pap Carnahan's with cousins Zachary and Hannah. So nice to see them! The kids spent hours, literally, playing in the snow. Building forts, sleding, shoveling. They had so much fun. Sunday evening we went to my sister's to celebrate my mom's birthday. Happy birthday, Nana! We love you.
And last night, we had family over for dinner to celebrate Jeremy's mom's birthday! Happy birthday, Mum-Mum! So, needless to say, it was a weekend filled with lots of cake and sweets. Everywhere we went, the kids got Valentine's gifts. So, there was a lot of chocolate consumed on top of all of the cake! But, all-in-all it was a lot of fun. Thanks to Mark, Zachary and Hannah, Nana, Gramie and Pop, and Mum-Mum for all of the fun stuff and sweets!
Thank to Sherri and Jeff for watching Clo Saturday so Colin and I could have a little Mommy-son time. Thanks to Jason and Alicia for driving us to the party and going above and beyond, as always, to help out!
Jeremy had to work Friday and Saturday night, so unfortunately he missed some of the celebrating. Thanks, babe, for working so hard for us and having to miss the fun stuff occassionaly. We love you, much!
Sunday we visited at Gram and Pap Carnahan's with cousins Zachary and Hannah. So nice to see them! The kids spent hours, literally, playing in the snow. Building forts, sleding, shoveling. They had so much fun. Sunday evening we went to my sister's to celebrate my mom's birthday. Happy birthday, Nana! We love you.
And last night, we had family over for dinner to celebrate Jeremy's mom's birthday! Happy birthday, Mum-Mum! So, needless to say, it was a weekend filled with lots of cake and sweets. Everywhere we went, the kids got Valentine's gifts. So, there was a lot of chocolate consumed on top of all of the cake! But, all-in-all it was a lot of fun. Thanks to Mark, Zachary and Hannah, Nana, Gramie and Pop, and Mum-Mum for all of the fun stuff and sweets!
Thank to Sherri and Jeff for watching Clo Saturday so Colin and I could have a little Mommy-son time. Thanks to Jason and Alicia for driving us to the party and going above and beyond, as always, to help out!
Jeremy had to work Friday and Saturday night, so unfortunately he missed some of the celebrating. Thanks, babe, for working so hard for us and having to miss the fun stuff occassionaly. We love you, much!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Too dangerous.
"In short, I think atresia surgery on Colin would be too dangerous especially with regard to his facial nerve," wrote the best of the best. Pretty close to the exact wording our doctor used as well. And, obviously, I wouldn't dare to put my boy in danger, so why am I still having such a difficult time accepting that it just isn't possible to provide him with natural hearing on his left side?
I knew that it was a long shot. I really trust our current doc. I guess I was just hoping that the "best-of-the-best" would see something more. sigh. It's not even the end of the world. He has great hearing on his right side. So, it isn't possible. It really and truly isn't.
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. I am having a hard time with this one.
I knew that it was a long shot. I really trust our current doc. I guess I was just hoping that the "best-of-the-best" would see something more. sigh. It's not even the end of the world. He has great hearing on his right side. So, it isn't possible. It really and truly isn't.
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. I am having a hard time with this one.
Monday, February 12, 2007
So I've Done It.
I am officially a ChaCha guide. No, I won't be teaching dance lessons. Ha! So many of you are laughing at the mere thought! Stop it now! is a new search engine, like Google and Yahoo, except you have the option of having a live guide help you search. I am now said guide. Supposedly, you get paid, based on experience...anywhere from $5 to $10 an hour. So, I figured, I'm already on this hunk of technology for like 5 hours or so a day, for stuff for Colin and school and blogging and all of the other time wasting efforts of my life...might as well make a little income on the side.
I'll let you all know how it pans out. Could be a scheme, dunno. But, it was featured on Good Morning America and that Diane Sawyer, she's no joke! is a new search engine, like Google and Yahoo, except you have the option of having a live guide help you search. I am now said guide. Supposedly, you get paid, based on experience...anywhere from $5 to $10 an hour. So, I figured, I'm already on this hunk of technology for like 5 hours or so a day, for stuff for Colin and school and blogging and all of the other time wasting efforts of my life...might as well make a little income on the side.
I'll let you all know how it pans out. Could be a scheme, dunno. But, it was featured on Good Morning America and that Diane Sawyer, she's no joke!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
With finding a way to make money from home. Just until I make it through my MT schoolwork. I started researching to help my mom find viable opportunities for at-home income, and then started thinking about some off the opps that might work for me. We need to work harder at building the kids college funds. :) If you've tried anything, good or bad, I'd love for people to share experiences. Minus stuffing envelopes. I already gave that a try. :) So funny how obsessed I can become on a whim.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Game off.
A phrase coined by a friend when her boys are out of control. I've stolen it today, because, simply stated: I don't feel like playing today.
Maybe it's the pile of laundry that's been laying in the same place all week. Maybe it's the snotty nosed baby that's been following me around tugging at my pajama bottoms, maybe it's the aftermath of the wasted trip yesterday, or the S key that keeps sticking when I try to type. Maybe it's the fact that I continue to write this blog and NOONE comments and I wonder why I bother, for me, for my kids, to avoid folding the laundry. Maybe it's the diet I've been on for 2 years and the lack of sugar in my system. Maybe it's the winter blues, or money blues, or my husband's blues rubbing off on me.
Maybe it's a combination. So, game off. Maybe I'll play nicer tomorrow.
Maybe it's the pile of laundry that's been laying in the same place all week. Maybe it's the snotty nosed baby that's been following me around tugging at my pajama bottoms, maybe it's the aftermath of the wasted trip yesterday, or the S key that keeps sticking when I try to type. Maybe it's the fact that I continue to write this blog and NOONE comments and I wonder why I bother, for me, for my kids, to avoid folding the laundry. Maybe it's the diet I've been on for 2 years and the lack of sugar in my system. Maybe it's the winter blues, or money blues, or my husband's blues rubbing off on me.
Maybe it's a combination. So, game off. Maybe I'll play nicer tomorrow.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
There was a call...
...apparently there was a call. A call that said "your doctor is sick, we had to cancel your appointment." Jeremy got the call when he got home from work. AFTER I picked Colin up early from school, we picked Nana up to come along, we listened to Chloe cry most of the trip down because she has a cold and she pooped (which we didn't discover until arrival), we listened to Colin complain most of the way there that he was STARVING, so so STARVING...and didn't want to listen to Chloe's video anymore, even though it was appeasing her for moments (quick moments), we parked in the garage down the street and bundled up and walked to the hospital, we rode elevator after elevator, we changed the diaper, we waited and waited and busied two kids in a crowded waiting room until the receptionist called our number to tell us there was a call. There was. Too bad it takes us hours to prepare, gather, drive, unpack and arrive. The call came after that started. Oooh, I knew I wanted this full day to be over quickly. 6 hours later we arrived home, but we know nothing, and we'll do it all again on March 1st to learn something, because "your doctor is sick."
Orthopedics today.
Today is our recheck with the new ortho. doc. Hoping I will have little to say tonight because the x-rays come back with no change from the last appointment. That is what I am expecting. He has had little change over time in the overall curve, but has been growing like crazy. Please pray that his left side has kept up with the right and that everything looks excellent. Thanks.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Chloe is walking.
For those of you concerned that she might never get the hang of it! :) She took off today across the living room. No more than probably 10 steps at any one time, but she is thrilled to be doing it. And, rather than us having to stand her up each time and coax her into doing it, she actually was pulling up on the furniture and turning herself around and walking to us. So cute. I teared up. These moments are so amazing. I mean, inevitably, I knew she was going to walk at some point. She's healthy, active, and was getting closer to doing it everyday, and yet, it still brought me to tears.
Colin enjoyed a super long weekend, thanks in part to in-service days and to the weather today for dipping below 0. He was thrilled. We took my mom to the docs for a check up. She is doing well. She had a much needed breast reduction 6 weeks ago. She is so going to kill me for making this public, but I figure, she finally told my grandmother, who by the way "didn't know such a thing was possible!" So, I figure, if Grandma knows, we might as well spread the word. She has really terrible arthritis in her back and was very, very large chested (sorry mom! the truth hurts!) Her doctors had been encouraging her for years to have this done, and she finally did. But, a procedure that was supposed to allow her to return to work in less than 2 weeks, has turned into a 6 week recovery. She is doing much better, and her doc is pleased. Apparently, she is just a slow healer.
Jeremy hasn't been feeling well for quite some time now. I guess about 3 weeks. They have checked everything...his heart, blood work, etc. And it has all checked out fine. They started him on medication today. Praying it helps. I want my husband back to normal. I am really worried about him, which doesn't ever happen. He's the one who takes care of all of us. So, hopefully this works, and things clear up for him.
Colin enjoyed a super long weekend, thanks in part to in-service days and to the weather today for dipping below 0. He was thrilled. We took my mom to the docs for a check up. She is doing well. She had a much needed breast reduction 6 weeks ago. She is so going to kill me for making this public, but I figure, she finally told my grandmother, who by the way "didn't know such a thing was possible!" So, I figure, if Grandma knows, we might as well spread the word. She has really terrible arthritis in her back and was very, very large chested (sorry mom! the truth hurts!) Her doctors had been encouraging her for years to have this done, and she finally did. But, a procedure that was supposed to allow her to return to work in less than 2 weeks, has turned into a 6 week recovery. She is doing much better, and her doc is pleased. Apparently, she is just a slow healer.
Jeremy hasn't been feeling well for quite some time now. I guess about 3 weeks. They have checked everything...his heart, blood work, etc. And it has all checked out fine. They started him on medication today. Praying it helps. I want my husband back to normal. I am really worried about him, which doesn't ever happen. He's the one who takes care of all of us. So, hopefully this works, and things clear up for him.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Back, Ears, and Teeth...Oh, my!
Next Thursday's appointment has set my mind a rolling. I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible on congenital scoliosis and the use of braces. Thought I'd share some of the information I've found so far:
>>The general rule is that bracing is ineffective for congenital bone malformations of the spine. An external brace can not correct or even support a spine that wasn't formed correctly in the first place. A brace does offer some support to the muscles and soft tissue for those extreme cases of kids who have neuromuscular disease or are unable to support themselves in a sitting position. A brace tends to be more work and frustration for parents and patients than its worth. Another thing rare situation is that long term bracing in very young kids can cause underdeveloped ribs. If the bones in the chest are not able to have free movement (in and out with breathing) they do not fully form. The in and out motion is what makes them mature and become solid bones.<< This information was received from a support group that I belong to, please keep in mind, that the information is not from a medical expert, but from a medical mom who has become quite an expert, her son, nearly 12, has undergone many surgeries for his CS, including VEPTR surgery, which is something we may consider further down the road with Colin.
>>Bracing is rarely used in congenital scoliosis as the primary treatment. Bracing has never been shown to profoundly change the pattern of abnormal growth that results from most vertebral malformations. It is sometimes useful to brace secondary curves that result from the congenital malformation.<< from It also added that a brace may possibly prevent a curve from continuing to increase. May possibly.
So, I'm still not sold on rebracing. The rib issue is something I would really like to address if the topic represents itself, especially since Colin is primarily an abdominal breather...meaning that he tends to use his abdominal muscles to assist in breathing, especially when his breathing is labored.
I finally got all of Colin's CTs and MRIs, along with pictures of him and his most recent audiogram (hearing test) sent off to the perspective doctor in Virgina. I have been praying hard that as he examines all of Colin's information, he will see promise for opening his inner and outer canal on his affected side. This could provided him with complete or nearly complete or partial hearing on that side...any of which would be excellent. Our current doctor thought he was a candidate early on, thus the 4 outer ear reconstruction surgeries. Once the day came, he said that Colin's ear canals haven't grown at a significant rate and that he felt the canals were too close to the facial nerves on his left side to permit opening. But, this VA doctor is supposed to be one of the top two in the nation. He's done many, many of these repairs. I am praying he sees something different.
And, of a totally normal kid nature, we head to the dentist this month as well. Just for a cleaning, which I am sure our fruit-snack lover is much in need of.
>>The general rule is that bracing is ineffective for congenital bone malformations of the spine. An external brace can not correct or even support a spine that wasn't formed correctly in the first place. A brace does offer some support to the muscles and soft tissue for those extreme cases of kids who have neuromuscular disease or are unable to support themselves in a sitting position. A brace tends to be more work and frustration for parents and patients than its worth. Another thing rare situation is that long term bracing in very young kids can cause underdeveloped ribs. If the bones in the chest are not able to have free movement (in and out with breathing) they do not fully form. The in and out motion is what makes them mature and become solid bones.<< This information was received from a support group that I belong to, please keep in mind, that the information is not from a medical expert, but from a medical mom who has become quite an expert, her son, nearly 12, has undergone many surgeries for his CS, including VEPTR surgery, which is something we may consider further down the road with Colin.
>>Bracing is rarely used in congenital scoliosis as the primary treatment. Bracing has never been shown to profoundly change the pattern of abnormal growth that results from most vertebral malformations. It is sometimes useful to brace secondary curves that result from the congenital malformation.<< from It also added that a brace may possibly prevent a curve from continuing to increase. May possibly.
So, I'm still not sold on rebracing. The rib issue is something I would really like to address if the topic represents itself, especially since Colin is primarily an abdominal breather...meaning that he tends to use his abdominal muscles to assist in breathing, especially when his breathing is labored.
I finally got all of Colin's CTs and MRIs, along with pictures of him and his most recent audiogram (hearing test) sent off to the perspective doctor in Virgina. I have been praying hard that as he examines all of Colin's information, he will see promise for opening his inner and outer canal on his affected side. This could provided him with complete or nearly complete or partial hearing on that side...any of which would be excellent. Our current doctor thought he was a candidate early on, thus the 4 outer ear reconstruction surgeries. Once the day came, he said that Colin's ear canals haven't grown at a significant rate and that he felt the canals were too close to the facial nerves on his left side to permit opening. But, this VA doctor is supposed to be one of the top two in the nation. He's done many, many of these repairs. I am praying he sees something different.
And, of a totally normal kid nature, we head to the dentist this month as well. Just for a cleaning, which I am sure our fruit-snack lover is much in need of.
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