We all have to have them occasionally...
X-ray revealed constipation. Proof, once more, that my boy is getting older. Not because of the issue at hand so much as me being totally unaware of it. Gone are the days that I know every tidbit of his life down to the timing and consistency of his pee and poo. Sigh and a laugh. So, we started him on MiraLax a few days back, a small dose mind you, and ended up heading in the opposite direction of not being able to go. MiraLax does not usually cause this, so I've been racking my brain trying to figure it out...until today. Duh! He's been on an antibiotic for almost a week. Duh! Duh! Duh! No idea why it took me so long to figure it out. So, needless to say, bathroom is a go for now...we'll have to reassess at a later date. Although, I personally believe that all these poo problems were the cause of our pee issues.
And...on to my revelation: I had a revelation the other day, that it is quite possible that I am the only person that reads this blog on a daily basis (besides Nat and Alicia -- which is about the same as me reading it since they are really the only 2 that know the true ins and outs of my daily life other than me...and Jerm, of course and my Dad cause a direct e-mail is sent every time I post)...so I've decided to treat it like a diary. Simply because it's weird writing to an unknown audience...so going forward, I'll be treating my blog like a diary as it has become unbelievably therapeutic for me...my own warped therapist of sorts...
So, if you don't care about my kid's poo...tough luck. I wasn't sharing for your personal experience but for that of my own and prosperity...in my reference of this unexpected journey that is my life. (Although if you happen to be someone other than the above mentioned, I'm glad you're reading and hope you continue.) It's important for me to share my experiences to help me deal with them. Otherwise, my thoughts wander aimlessly in my stuffed mind and end up squeezing out -- "POP" -- at the most inopportune moments. Much better to let it all flow here for the sanity of those closest to me.
Nat said it best the other night as Colin and I struggled with cream and pull-ups before bedtime (we happened to be chatting post bathtime): "I bet you didn't think you'd still be dealing with this now." Nope sure didn't.
I never expected to be raising a child with a single medical issue, let alone numerous medical issues. Applying diaper rash cream at 7, sitting in doctors office waiting rooms day in and out, watching my child undergo more medical treatments in the blink of an eye than I will EVER experience in my lifetime. I never expected to spend my nights fretting about what the next appointment will bring, what the next week at school will bring, what the next day's unbelievably difficult question will be from my sweet boy. I never, ever expected myself to become a mom who feels so crazy sometimes that she wants to hold onto him tight and not send him out into this cruel, cruel judgemental world full of judgemental people who just don't see how unintentionally hurtful they can be. There are days I drive myself crazy with the thoughts that run rampant in my extremely overfilled brain...a brain that holds it all...the complete and unedited medical history of my boy with this unexplainable syndrome that eats away at my heart.
Two parents, three children...living life, making mistakes, loving to the best of our ability...together.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Too cool for school.
Apparently, now that Colin's a big 2nd grader, he's too cool to have his mom take his picture on the first day of school. He was annoyed at me during the entire picture taking extravaganza. Hate to break the news...he has years and years and years left of this ritual. Monday started the new school year. Colin was excited to be back with his friends. I believe each day he was finding me a bit more boring and Chloe a bit more aggitating. So, we have our nice long afternoon naps back and routine. I love, love, love routine. I crave it.

After returning home and being drilled about the first day and his new teacher, he responded with only the most important facts: 1. His teacher is louder this year than his teacher last year. 2. She gives out FREE candy. (As opposed to the candy he has been paying for all of his life.) and 3. Recess is still the best part of the day. The end. He had nothing more to say.
In the morning, Chloe was waiting for the bus with Colin...and discovered shadows!! She was so funny. She just kept pointing and saying "dis" (this). But, my response of "mommy's shadow" was severly inadequate prompting a "naaaohhhh!!!" (no)and urgent, shrilly "dis!" We went rounds about that one for a while until I finally gave up...one day I will learn that fighting with this child is pointless. She has it all figured out.
After returning home and being drilled about the first day and his new teacher, he responded with only the most important facts: 1. His teacher is louder this year than his teacher last year. 2. She gives out FREE candy. (As opposed to the candy he has been paying for all of his life.) and 3. Recess is still the best part of the day. The end. He had nothing more to say.
In the morning, Chloe was waiting for the bus with Colin...and discovered shadows!! She was so funny. She just kept pointing and saying "dis" (this). But, my response of "mommy's shadow" was severly inadequate prompting a "naaaohhhh!!!" (no)and urgent, shrilly "dis!" We went rounds about that one for a while until I finally gave up...one day I will learn that fighting with this child is pointless. She has it all figured out.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
So, that's a new one. Colin's actually never had that before. We had our ENT check up on Thursday and is on antibiotics for the tonsilitis. Everything else looks good and we are setting the ball in motion for another repair with a full thickness skin graft of his left ear. He has requested that we put it off until December over Christmas break so he won't miss school. He had a dentist appointment and his jaw is still shifting...3 mm total. We see craniofacial again and September, so we'll have to see what they say about the shift and the tonsils. They have concerns for removal because of his paralyzed palette...increase of infection and such, but ENT has concerns of continual infection becoming a new issue...so time will tell I suppose.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
A Boy's Weekend.
Amusement park, baseball game, power plant...it was a boy's weekend. Last Saturday Jeremy's employer sponsored a day at Lakemont Park and the Altoona Curve. We decided to leave Chloe at my mom's to spend the day with Colin. It was his first real-deal baseball game and he had a blast...double-header and all. After a full day of roller coasters and waterslides, we had all intentions of leaving before the end of the 2nd game...he would have none of it, and I quote "what's the point of watching if you don't know how it ends." True, true.

Sunday, Jeremy made arrangements for Colin to tour the plant with him. It was his day off and Colin's always been really interested in seeing what Daddy does. So he put on his "work clothes" and all of his gear, including a belt to hold his flashlight and new boots bought specifically for the occasion. As he was waiting for Jeremy to finish getting ready, he sat back on the couch, crossed his arms behind his head and propped his feet, boots and all mind you, on my coffee table, and I quote "I look just like my Dad, huh?" Yes, yes you do.
The day included a tour of the plant, candy, "driving the bulldozer," and $5 in pay from Jeremy's boss. Needless to say, he came back covered in coal and happy as a clam...what's not to love about 4 hours at a power plant with a bunch of dirty men. I have my own thoughts on that.

As Colin was removing his play clothes to don his work clothes...Chloe decided she was going to work too. She demanded that I help put his shorts and t-shirt on her. Funniest part, other than the stubby little-person look it gave her, was that the shorts fit around her waist without issue. She cried so hard when they left her behind, poor baby, and refused to take the clothes off the rest of the afternoon. She even wore them for naptime.
Sunday, Jeremy made arrangements for Colin to tour the plant with him. It was his day off and Colin's always been really interested in seeing what Daddy does. So he put on his "work clothes" and all of his gear, including a belt to hold his flashlight and new boots bought specifically for the occasion. As he was waiting for Jeremy to finish getting ready, he sat back on the couch, crossed his arms behind his head and propped his feet, boots and all mind you, on my coffee table, and I quote "I look just like my Dad, huh?" Yes, yes you do.
The day included a tour of the plant, candy, "driving the bulldozer," and $5 in pay from Jeremy's boss. Needless to say, he came back covered in coal and happy as a clam...what's not to love about 4 hours at a power plant with a bunch of dirty men. I have my own thoughts on that.
As Colin was removing his play clothes to don his work clothes...Chloe decided she was going to work too. She demanded that I help put his shorts and t-shirt on her. Funniest part, other than the stubby little-person look it gave her, was that the shorts fit around her waist without issue. She cried so hard when they left her behind, poor baby, and refused to take the clothes off the rest of the afternoon. She even wore them for naptime.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
I'm a liar...7-year check-up.
Just to clear the air...I'm a liar. Colin only gained 7 pounds this year. Not 10. :) and he grew 2 inches. So he's in the 50% for his weight!! and 75% for his height!!! I can't believe that! They started him on Singulair for a weird daytime/playtime cough that they're presuming to be his asthma, and we have to head to get an x-ray of his abdomen early next week because his belly is hard, presumably constipation, although he is showing absolutely no signs of being constipated. But with history and such, they want to be sure. Especially with the continued bedwetting and increase in peeing. Which leads us to calling neurosurgery, which our pediatrician is going to do for me on Monday to see what the next step is...do we wait it out to see if it gets any more frequent...perhaps it's a typical 7-year-old thing (waiting too long to go, too many drinks too late), which of course is possible. Nothing too weird about a kid peeing a lot other than where we were 8 months ago. So...75% CRAZY!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Holding at 30ish.
It's been 6 months since spring checkups at the specialists, so today was the first of the fall visits. Can't believe it's here already. Colin's ortho doctor said he is holding at 30ish degrees. He said it's all still a jumble, lots of hemis (hemivertebrae) and pieces. Like I was expecting the bones to have miraculously returned themselves to perfectly full and shaped vertebrae. Although I admit, I've had a dream or two that ended this way. But, he's been holding at 30ish for over a year now. Although that can change at any point. Nothing is predictable with congenital scoliosis and he again warned us of that. It could change drastically overnight. How is that possible? It just is. Growth spurt, compaction or fusion of bones, blah, blah, blah. So, I'll continue to live with my anxiety in this regard and he'll see us back in 6 months. He ended the visit with the following comment: "He's in good condition for the condition that he's in." True. True. and still pondering that. I hate this "condition" that he's in.
Monday, August 13, 2007
California dreaming...and soaring...
I have been blessed in my life through my father's fortune and hard work. His life in the Army led him to a variety of different places and my sisters, brother and I were fortunate enough to get to share experience things and see places most people spend a lifetime dreaming about -- summers sailing on the ocean, afternoons swimming under waterfalls in Panama, romping on black-sand beaches and playing with monkeys and the typical summer fun of amusement parks and museums. This summer I saw in Colin's eyes the way I used to feel when visiting my father. Amazement at experiences in a life that feels unlike your own. My father's hard work post-military retirement has enabled him to live a comfortable life in California and, like any good grandpa, he was more than generous with opportunities while we visited.

Our flight arrived on Friday evening. After attempting to locate a piece of lost luggage (to no avail) we hopped on my Dad's plane (he reaffirmed his pilot's license a few years back) and flew (see pilot Chloe above) to his weekend home in Mendicino County. It was so nice there (see the view below). Some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. It was so nice to watch Colin and my nephew Tanner (below as well). The joy of being on those beaches and with each other and their Grandpa (who, of course, is the best of all grandpas).

Chloe actually ran a fever for the first 4 days but by the time we headed back to my Dad's house in the Bay area, she started to come around...a virus of sorts the emergency room doctor told me. It never fails...emergency room on vacation. We haven't been on a vacation since our honeymoon that didn't require a trip to the emergency room. A few years ago...we made 2 trips. I think a lot of her sickness was brought on from missing daddy and "home." She spoke her first sentence while there: "Daddy at home." Well, it was a little more like "Daee ah ome."
Wednesday, we flew to Disneyland for the day...yes, I said flew. Amazing. The boys had so much fun and Chloe got to spend the day being spoiled by her Grandma. It was on of the most fun days I have had in a long time and Colin can still talk for a good 40 minutes straight about it. It was unbelievable. Flying to Disney for the day...who does that?

The week also consisted of a whole lot of great food, a good bit of nice wine (not for the kids of course), Go-Carts, mini-golf, Chuck E. Cheese, a place called the Jungle, which is like Chuck E. Cheese on overload, and more McDonald's and Burger King than my child should ever see in a week. I also got the chance to hang out with Rachel, my bestest ever of friends for an evening. She recently moved to Treasure Island and is so close to my Dad. It was soooo nice.
To top it off, my dad and his wife recently added a new member to their family, a toy fox terrior named UV...I thought Colin might try to sneak her into a suitcase to bring her home. He is so in love. (Notice the matching shirts below.)

I count the blessings in my life daily. I have been blessed richly and experiences like our week in California leave me in awe wondering how it came to be that this is my life. My kids are blessed to experience all of these wonderful things and I am so thrilled that they have been given the opportunity! I am so happy with what I have and even more so...who I have. Thanks, Daddy!
Our flight arrived on Friday evening. After attempting to locate a piece of lost luggage (to no avail) we hopped on my Dad's plane (he reaffirmed his pilot's license a few years back) and flew (see pilot Chloe above) to his weekend home in Mendicino County. It was so nice there (see the view below). Some of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. It was so nice to watch Colin and my nephew Tanner (below as well). The joy of being on those beaches and with each other and their Grandpa (who, of course, is the best of all grandpas).
Chloe actually ran a fever for the first 4 days but by the time we headed back to my Dad's house in the Bay area, she started to come around...a virus of sorts the emergency room doctor told me. It never fails...emergency room on vacation. We haven't been on a vacation since our honeymoon that didn't require a trip to the emergency room. A few years ago...we made 2 trips. I think a lot of her sickness was brought on from missing daddy and "home." She spoke her first sentence while there: "Daddy at home." Well, it was a little more like "Daee ah ome."
Wednesday, we flew to Disneyland for the day...yes, I said flew. Amazing. The boys had so much fun and Chloe got to spend the day being spoiled by her Grandma. It was on of the most fun days I have had in a long time and Colin can still talk for a good 40 minutes straight about it. It was unbelievable. Flying to Disney for the day...who does that?
The week also consisted of a whole lot of great food, a good bit of nice wine (not for the kids of course), Go-Carts, mini-golf, Chuck E. Cheese, a place called the Jungle, which is like Chuck E. Cheese on overload, and more McDonald's and Burger King than my child should ever see in a week. I also got the chance to hang out with Rachel, my bestest ever of friends for an evening. She recently moved to Treasure Island and is so close to my Dad. It was soooo nice.
To top it off, my dad and his wife recently added a new member to their family, a toy fox terrior named UV...I thought Colin might try to sneak her into a suitcase to bring her home. He is so in love. (Notice the matching shirts below.)
I count the blessings in my life daily. I have been blessed richly and experiences like our week in California leave me in awe wondering how it came to be that this is my life. My kids are blessed to experience all of these wonderful things and I am so thrilled that they have been given the opportunity! I am so happy with what I have and even more so...who I have. Thanks, Daddy!
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Our pistol slinging pirate.
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