I finally sent out Christmas cards today! I still have a few addresses left to finalize, but the majority went out today. I think this is the first year in about 3 years that I actually got them out. One year I filled them all out and stuffed them, but never finished the addressing. Another I bought them, but never actually did anything with them...think that was last year (post-op and baby). One year I did everything...and found them in my car in January...I never bought stamps and mailed them. Ha! I always have to laugh...it drives Jeremy crazy. Oh, the amount of money wasted in beautiful unused Christmas cards. :) If I ever find the ones from last year, I'll use them.
Life does that to you I suppose...makes me think of the one day, when I was still working...I think Colin was just past one year old. At the time, I was working full time and going to school as well...and probably doing a million other things. I have a hard time saying no, although Jeremy is coaching me on this. It was a crazy morning, as usual...as I was walking across the parking lot to head to lunch, I realized my shoes were making different sounds...I looked down...2 totally different shoes. Both black, but totally different. It was like 1 in the afternoon and I never realized it. So funny. I had to head to the dentist that day and just laughed...there I was feet up in the air...2 totally different shoes. Life does that to you some days. I feel that way a lot lately. Thankfully, I don't leave the house that often, so I don't have to worry about shoes.
Two parents, three children...living life, making mistakes, loving to the best of our ability...together.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Taking it easy?
Yeah...probably not. He is all over the place. We managed to get him to lay in bed for a total of about 1 hour today. He is on the move and now...12 hours later. A little sore. But, he's doing really well. Took a shower. Played A LOT. His incision looks great and he's happy. So, I'd say we are, without a doubt, on the mend.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Colin was released today at 5. He was able to get up and around walking mid-afternoon, so we got the ok to come home. He's okay, but a little tired and cranky. As are we all. :)
Thanks to Gram and Pop C. for the Christmas book, to Crystal and Angel for the coloring books and card, to the Berzonsky's for the colorful card, and for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Happy to be home.
Thanks to Gram and Pop C. for the Christmas book, to Crystal and Angel for the coloring books and card, to the Berzonsky's for the colorful card, and for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Happy to be home.
Working on Sitting.
That's our goal for today. They weaned him off the morphine over the weekend, but he is still on round-the-clock pain maintenance meds. He came off the IV completely yesterday and is eating and drinking well. We tried getting to a sitting position yesterday, but only made it up to about 20 degrees...so, that's the goal for today. To sit and maybe try walking. He can't come home until he is walking on his own. They were not optimistic that we will head home today, but they said there is always a chance. His incision is healing well and he has had no leaking, which was why he had to remain flat for 48 hours...so, it worked. That's good. He was happy yesterday. He's ready to go home. We both miss Chloe. This is the longest both of us have ever been away from her. Missing her badly. But, Daddy is taking good care of her and her cold seems like it is finally going away, so that makes me feel better.
Thanks to Mum-mum, Aunt Alicia, Nana and Papa, and Gram and Pop C. for taking care of Clo during the day so that Jerm could come visit everyday. Thanks also to Jen and Tom for the Monkey and balloons and for all of the get well e-cards from my girls! Thanks also to Mark for coming to visit and for the books and everything else.
Thanks to Mum-mum, Aunt Alicia, Nana and Papa, and Gram and Pop C. for taking care of Clo during the day so that Jerm could come visit everyday. Thanks also to Jen and Tom for the Monkey and balloons and for all of the get well e-cards from my girls! Thanks also to Mark for coming to visit and for the books and everything else.
Friday, December 15, 2006
No change.
Colin is resting. I suspect he'll be pretty groggy until after we're able to quit giving him the morphine. He is still having pain, so they have started giving tylenol every 2 hours between the doses of IV morphine. He did eat 2 popsicles and had a little juice to drink, so that's a step in the right direction. I'll update in the morning. Thanks to Mum-Mum, Alicia, and Nana for taking care of our girl today. I miss her much, but am glad to know she's in good hands.
Room 28A, 10 North
Colin is out of surgery and resting in his room. All went relatively well. Once the doc got into to remove the fatty fillum, which was causing his cord to tether, they also discovered a dermal sinus tract, which had to be removed as well. So, his 3 inch incision tripled, at least. It runs from his lower back to just above his bum. She doesn't believe that this will cause any increased pain (they didn't have to move any muscle in the lower part to remove the tract), it shouldn't cause any problems, now that it has been removed, it does increase his risk for spinal fluid leakage. Time will tell. He is in pain, and they are providing him with morphine every 2 hours...for at least the next 24 hours. All in all, the doc thinks things went really well, depsite finding the tract, which was undetectable on his MRI. Please pray that he continues to rest and that the pain subsides quickly. Please pray for quick and easy healing and no leaking of spinal fluid. Please pray for a private room soon...we will get one as soon as one opens because we will be here for a while, but the hospital is overloaded...252 patients 237 beds...so we have to wait. Privacy always helps for sleep at night for both of us. I'll try to update again later if possible.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
An Early Start.
We will be heading out in the wee hours of the morning tomorrow. Colin is scheduled for a 6 a.m. arrival. His surgery is scheduled for a 7:30 a.m. start. They have the OR scheduled for 3 1/2 hours, but the doctor said the surgery itself will only take about an hour and a half or so. This'll be by far the quickest surgery he's ever had yet. That means, we could be out of recovery and settled in our room before lunch. That would be great.
And even greater...as of mid-January, Jeremy will be an employee of the Homer City Generating Station. Yah! A full-time, year-round, great benefits job. We are so excited!!! To say the least!
I will try to update daily over this weekend to keep everyone up to date on Colin's recovery. Please keep him in your prayers. Pray for no complications, quick and simple healing, and especially minimal pain. Thanks.
Thanks also to the Townsend's for dinner tonight. We appreciate it greatly!!
And even greater...as of mid-January, Jeremy will be an employee of the Homer City Generating Station. Yah! A full-time, year-round, great benefits job. We are so excited!!! To say the least!
I will try to update daily over this weekend to keep everyone up to date on Colin's recovery. Please keep him in your prayers. Pray for no complications, quick and simple healing, and especially minimal pain. Thanks.
Thanks also to the Townsend's for dinner tonight. We appreciate it greatly!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Ready for Christmas.
We're finally ready for Christmas. The tree is up, gifts are wrapped, cards are underway, Jeremy hung the outside lights...while Chloe watched.

Tis the season. I love it. Love it, love it, love it! We have a little bit of shopping left to do, but not much. So nice to be ready. I've been trying to clean as much as possible this week. We'll have family here for breakfast Christmas morning and then dinner as well. I can't wait.
We went to dinner last night with my family. It was so nice! Thanks mom and Jim! We went to Colin's favorite...Eating Park. :) Nothing like going to a restaurant for Kraft mac n' cheese.
Tis the season. I love it. Love it, love it, love it! We have a little bit of shopping left to do, but not much. So nice to be ready. I've been trying to clean as much as possible this week. We'll have family here for breakfast Christmas morning and then dinner as well. I can't wait.
We went to dinner last night with my family. It was so nice! Thanks mom and Jim! We went to Colin's favorite...Eating Park. :) Nothing like going to a restaurant for Kraft mac n' cheese.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Pictures from the weekend.
Colin got to open a Christmas gift from Grandpa H. early. A Nintendo DS and Nintendogs game!! He was so excited and I think we may have to instill limits on game playing after surgery, etc. :) Thanks, Grandpa!

Happy Birthday, Pop!! Your candle-blowing helpers are adorable!

Before the night out, I decided we need a pic of us together. It has been a long time!

Colin with his batman face paint from the Christmas party Sunday. It's all or nothing baby, all or nothing!!
Happy Birthday, Pop!! Your candle-blowing helpers are adorable!
Before the night out, I decided we need a pic of us together. It has been a long time!
Colin with his batman face paint from the Christmas party Sunday. It's all or nothing baby, all or nothing!!
It seems like forever since I posted. Chloe hasn't been feeling well at all. Really bad cold, which has turned into a cough, and now tummy troubles. She isn't napping well and just wants to be held. Me too. :) Jeremy is working for a local contractor, and since Daddy's really the only one she wants right now...the days are long. Have I mentioned how tired I am of colds and flu-like sickness? Sigh.
This past weekend was nice. Birthday party on Friday for Pap Carnahan, night out for Jeremy and I on Saturday (thanks mum-mum), and a Christmas party with Mark on Sunday for Colin. He had so much fun! Thanks! I have pictures and will try to post when I have a little more time.
Otherwise, I am attempting to prepare for Friday. Can't believe it's here already. Part of me wishes it was months away still and part of me just wants it to be over. I'm so worried and Jeremy and I are both so tense. I think it's on Colin's mind too. He hasn't said anything, but he's really acting out this week, which is not like him at all.
Well...off to try to get something done before Miss Clo decides naptime is over.
This past weekend was nice. Birthday party on Friday for Pap Carnahan, night out for Jeremy and I on Saturday (thanks mum-mum), and a Christmas party with Mark on Sunday for Colin. He had so much fun! Thanks! I have pictures and will try to post when I have a little more time.
Otherwise, I am attempting to prepare for Friday. Can't believe it's here already. Part of me wishes it was months away still and part of me just wants it to be over. I'm so worried and Jeremy and I are both so tense. I think it's on Colin's mind too. He hasn't said anything, but he's really acting out this week, which is not like him at all.
Well...off to try to get something done before Miss Clo decides naptime is over.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Another winter cold.
Chloe had the sniffles yesterday, and I was hopeful that it was just teeth...she is getting a total of four right now...the middle top and bottom. But, it appears that she indeed has another cold. Nothing bad. Just a cold. No worries for Mom and Dad on this one, she's actually just been really sleepy. I got a lot done today in fact, but, I feel really bad for her. Hoping Colin doesn't get this one. He got over the last round of sniffles fairly quickly, but we are only 7 days away from surgery...although I wouldn't mind postponing. :) Just kidding...not really. :) Really.
Colin had his Santa workshop today at school and got to pick out gifts for Christmas. He was so excited. So much so, that he wanted to give them to us as soon as he got off the bus. He does not want to wait, but we have convinced him that it would be better to wait until Christmas Eve. :) Although, Philbert got his gift today. Lucky guy! Oh, the life of a turtle!
Colin had his Santa workshop today at school and got to pick out gifts for Christmas. He was so excited. So much so, that he wanted to give them to us as soon as he got off the bus. He does not want to wait, but we have convinced him that it would be better to wait until Christmas Eve. :) Although, Philbert got his gift today. Lucky guy! Oh, the life of a turtle!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Happy Birthday Party.
Daddy's girl celebrated her first birthday Sunday!

Waiting patiently for cake.

Chloe was such the perfect party girl. She had such a blast and played along through all of our silly traditions. She was so cute and so much fun! It's official, she's one. As we were preparing on Sunday, Colin asked how old she'd be today, since she was one last time we celebrated. (which was on her actual birthday, just the four of us.) :) Cute as always, funny boy!
Waiting patiently for cake.
Chloe was such the perfect party girl. She had such a blast and played along through all of our silly traditions. She was so cute and so much fun! It's official, she's one. As we were preparing on Sunday, Colin asked how old she'd be today, since she was one last time we celebrated. (which was on her actual birthday, just the four of us.) :) Cute as always, funny boy!
Friday, December 01, 2006
Let the Countdown Begin.
Today we'll start counting down with Colin's advent calendar to Christmas...24 to go, and marking the days on the calendar until surgery...14 to go. I absolutely love Christmas...for all of the obvious reasoning of what it represents...and because I love, love, love giving gifts. I also love the whole idea of Santa and the magic that makes my boy's eyes light up. I can't wait to get our tree up to see the joy in Chloe's eyes as well. So much fun. I hate that this will be the second year in a row that my baby will spend recovering from surgery over the holiday. I was hoping that this would be Colin's first year for midnight service. I used to love it as a kid. Next year maybe. We'll finally celebrate Clo's first birthday on Sunday with family and friends. Can't wait...mmm...messy cake.
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