Tuesday, December 12, 2006


It seems like forever since I posted. Chloe hasn't been feeling well at all. Really bad cold, which has turned into a cough, and now tummy troubles. She isn't napping well and just wants to be held. Me too. :) Jeremy is working for a local contractor, and since Daddy's really the only one she wants right now...the days are long. Have I mentioned how tired I am of colds and flu-like sickness? Sigh.

This past weekend was nice. Birthday party on Friday for Pap Carnahan, night out for Jeremy and I on Saturday (thanks mum-mum), and a Christmas party with Mark on Sunday for Colin. He had so much fun! Thanks! I have pictures and will try to post when I have a little more time.

Otherwise, I am attempting to prepare for Friday. Can't believe it's here already. Part of me wishes it was months away still and part of me just wants it to be over. I'm so worried and Jeremy and I are both so tense. I think it's on Colin's mind too. He hasn't said anything, but he's really acting out this week, which is not like him at all.

Well...off to try to get something done before Miss Clo decides naptime is over.

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