Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I've been neglecting my blog.

No idea why. Just have been. So this post will be a schloo of updates.

The main man doc from Cali e-mailed me back. He is very interested in taking a look at Colin to assess the situation. He may provide the same answer as our current doctor, but it will be peace of mind if nothing else. Now we have to work out insurance logistics...ugh...and figure out when to schedule the appointment. We already have a visit scheduled with my Dad in July, so that'll probably be it. Hate to wait that long, but obviously can't really just take off to Cali. I'll cancel the May 1 surgery for now...and figure the rest out later. Never got around to calling local docs for a second opinion yet, still on the to-do list.

I have lots of cute Easter pics, I'll post those tomorrow. The kids of course had a wonderful weekend and the holiday itself was great.

Chloe is adding word after word and finally says Ma Ma!!!!!!! Yippee! So happy. She also says a dun (all done) and pup up (puppy). I love it. She is so sweet.

I haven't actually started working yet, but tomorrow is supposed to be the day. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

Hey Christi! It's Jessica Bennett! Found your blog through Emily's! Just wanted to wish you good luck at work tomorrow! Hope all goes smooth! Cheers!

Anonymous said...

OH...(It's Jessica again...) forgot to say how CUTE your kids are!!! LOVE the pictures!

Anonymous said...

I've never actually seen the word "schloo" spelled out before-I know I'm a bit retarded but that struck me as funny!

Nat :)