Thursday, July 12, 2007

My boy is a rock star!

Arrived at the hospital at 6:45 this morning to prepare for sedation for the MRI. The full spinal MRI can take hours and, obviously, a 6-year-old isn't normally expected to be able to lie completely still for the amount of time needed to retrieve the pictures.

Colin's tears over the last few days haven't been over the MRI itself, but the sedation. The sedation used is slightly different that that of surgery and for whatever reason usually nausiates him, which is odd because the surgery sedation usually doesn't (usually).

He asked me, in front of our nurse, why he had to be "put to sleep." The nurse explained the need to lie still and Colin responded that he could do that. So, they let him give it a try. If you've never had an MRI, here's a quick explanation: You lie on a bed that slides into a really tight tube. The entire time they take pictures the equipment makes sounds that reminded me of mack truck jake breaks and honking mack truck horns times 50. The sounds continue the entire have to remain completely still or they have to repeat the process for adequate pictures.

Colin did it!!! They plugged his ear, prepped him. Told him to relax and rest if he could. I am so proud and was so relieved! They didn't have to repeat a single image. I watched him the entire time...he flinched at the first sound and after that stayed completely still. Although, he admitted after the fact that he wiggled his toes once and opened his eyes twice. :) What a relief. Even the technicians were amazed. What a big boy. I sat there watching the entire time contemplating if I thought that I could have laid there that still. My conclusion: Probably not. He never ceases to amaze me.

Praying hard for the results to come quickly and to show, well...nothing.

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