Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pray for the Doctors

Sometimes Colin's wisdom blows me away. Today, while he was helping me package toys up to send to Hershey Medical, where a friend from high school's one-year-old daughter has been being treated. He asked me what was wrong with her little girl. I explained to the best of my knowledge that she was sick and the doctor's were having a hard time figuring out what was wrong, but that they were working hard to find out and make her better. He said that it was sad that the baby was sick and he didn't want anything to happen to her, of course adding his two cents about the hospitals and surgeries. I asked if he'd like to say a prayer for her he said, "yeah, but she's God's child and he'll take care of her. I want to say a prayer for the doctor's so they'll find out how to make her better." And we did just that. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with this amazingly insightful child. I am grateful everyday for them both!


Alivia's Momma said...

Tell Colin thanks from Alivia! What a sweet kid. We are going to be in Indiana in the beginning of October (for our 5 yr anniversary) and we should try to get together. I would love for you to meet Alivia and I want to meet your kiddos. Hopefully that will work out.

Anonymous said...

That was so incredibly touching! You have a beautiful little boy! :) I'll be praying for Alivia too.