Monday, December 18, 2006

Working on Sitting.

That's our goal for today. They weaned him off the morphine over the weekend, but he is still on round-the-clock pain maintenance meds. He came off the IV completely yesterday and is eating and drinking well. We tried getting to a sitting position yesterday, but only made it up to about 20, that's the goal for today. To sit and maybe try walking. He can't come home until he is walking on his own. They were not optimistic that we will head home today, but they said there is always a chance. His incision is healing well and he has had no leaking, which was why he had to remain flat for 48, it worked. That's good. He was happy yesterday. He's ready to go home. We both miss Chloe. This is the longest both of us have ever been away from her. Missing her badly. But, Daddy is taking good care of her and her cold seems like it is finally going away, so that makes me feel better.

Thanks to Mum-mum, Aunt Alicia, Nana and Papa, and Gram and Pop C. for taking care of Clo during the day so that Jerm could come visit everyday. Thanks also to Jen and Tom for the Monkey and balloons and for all of the get well e-cards from my girls! Thanks also to Mark for coming to visit and for the books and everything else.

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