Friday, April 20, 2007

Annual Spring Colds...sniff.

We all have colds. Jeremy and I for some reason seemed to have gotten the worst of it. Lucky us. Jeremy has been fighting it all week, and yet, has continued to go to work. He even worked double shifts the last 2 days. Love you! Thank you , thank you, thank you for always working so hard for us. The transition to this new job has been difficult financially, to say the least, and Jeremy has worked as much as possible, even 80 weeks at times...without so much as a single grumble.

My first full week of work went well. A little busy and a lot of hectic with the sickness and all, but I'm happy I chose to do this. I think it's going to be a great thing once I really get the hang of it.

Colin has a checkup with the neurosurgeon on Monday, which will be uneventful. They can't really tell us to much about his spinal cord from and external review, so the doctor will pretty much run down a list of questions, which we'll answer and she'll check how he's healing post-op...which is just fine. Most likely, we'll also discuss and start the scheduling process for his June MRI.

Next Wednesday is his IEP idea what that stands for, honestly, at the school. To review the work his IEP teacher (not her title by the way) is doing as well as what the school can/is/isn't doing in regard to his unilateral hearing loss. This will be routine as well. Just a yearly, have to, kind of thing. My main topic of discussion: The routine letter generated by the school requesting my assistance in making sure Colin is missing as little school as possible. You know, it is difficult for them to teach the required curriculum if regular attendance is not encouraged on the homefront. If his absences are medical in nature, please provide the necessary document to prove so I know it was a mass generated letter, but it steams me nonetheless. The school is well aware that his absences are medical in nature. We do our best to make sure he misses as little school as possible. And, I still don't understand why, being that his counseler, nurse, his teacher, and the principal all received copies of the letter...I don't understand why one of them wouldn't have pulled it, noting that he does have a medical condition requiring obvious routine care. I know it's stupid, but when you are working so hard to be the best parents you can and juggle it really sucks when someone questions your ability to do just that. Even if it was unintentional. I'm done ranting. It's been bothering me for weeks.

This week has been long and exhausting to say the least and ending it sick stinks.

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