Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Chloe's Word List.

To the calls of Da, Dada, Daddy, Dadoo...we can now add Spongebob. Yep. That's right. The child will not say Mama, but has mastered Spongebob. Which sounds a little like Spodgeboob...but still.

So now she says:
The variations of Dad
Uh-uh (no)
Der (Brother)
Har (Harley)
and Spodgeboob.

She also repeated something on the lines of mustard yesterday, but hasn't really stuck with that one, so it hasn't been "officially" added to the list of knowns.

On the spongebob note...Colin also gave this word a quirky twist early on, which brought many laughs to me and his Dad. He affectionately called Spongebob Squarepants "Punchbob Queerpants" until somewhere during his third year. So Spodgeboob and Punchbob it is.

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