Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Weekend and such.

This weekend was so nice. Pretty non-eventful, and therefore, relaxing. Friday I helped with the Half-Day Ministry at our church. Whenever the kids have a half day at school, we provide crafts and activities for K-6. Colin brought his buddy, Aiden. Saturday was spent convincing Colin that it was time to let go of some of his toys and to donate them so other kids who didn't have so many could enjoy them. We actually were able to fill three nice size boxes. Sunday we visited with Gram and Pap Ferra. Jeremy's Uncle Alan and his wife Selma were visiting with Vinnie as well, so that was nice. Chloe and Vinnie are just about old enough to "play."

This week I am preparing to take my final for the medical transcription course I've been taking. I'll start the exam on Friday with 48 hours to complete it. I'm nervous and excited. And very ready to be done and move on to other things...like a job. :)

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