came last night!

and Colin was thrilled! He woke me up this morning around 6. When he went to check his little tooth pillow, the money went flying and was lost. We basically had to strip his bed to find it. All is well, and $5 is the going rate for that first precious baby tooth.

Today, as always, was such a wonderful day with Chloe. For months, we have been trying to get her to clap, and today at lunch, without any prompting, she mastered it on her own. She is, without a doubt, a Carnahan. She will not be pushed to do anything until she is good and ready. It was so cute, and she was so proud. She just kept doing it over and over again and giggling, which of course made me giggle. I love this baby. Can you tell?!?

I have a button that has Colin's t-ball picture on it from a few years ago. Chloe discovered it today and claimed it as her own. She was screaming for it, so I cut the pin off the back. She carried it around for the majority of the day...kissing it and talking to her brother. So cute!
When Colin got home, I surprised him with a trip back to Petco for a new tank for Philbert. They were running a special on 40 gallon breeder tanks, which as you can see from the picture below, of his old tank, he needs more room. I figured Philbert was getting enough play on this blog that he was probably deserving of a picture. :) Anyway, when you bought the stand, which you pretty much have to have with a tank that large, you got the tank for free. He was so excited and can't wait until Sunday when Daddy comes home and can set it up. This child is animal obsessed. He has declared that he no longer wants to be a palentologist. He is planning on becoming a veterinarian, so he can have his own big building and be the boss of other people. Sounds like a plan to me, and he is, definately well suited for the job.

After coming home, we went straight to my sister, Sherri's, for dinner. Thanks again Sherri and Jeff. And then dropped the girls off at Na-Na and Pa-Pa's, thanks as well guys!!! And then we took the boys to the haunted house here in town. Colin was not at all scared...for his first time, I was surprised. He said he wasn't scared "because his Dad jumps out just like that all the time, so he must just be used to it." He still thought it was fun even though the scare-factor wasn't there.
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