I have a favor to ask of all of you for my boy. I am going to create a scrapbook for him to help him remember how much all of us love him. Over the next few weeks, I would like to collect from anyone willing to participate, a little statement about the things you love about Colin. I am going to compile them all in a book for him with photos - either supplied by you, or I will try to add some from my collection. That way, when he's having a rough day, he can look through it and read about why those he loves the most love him the most too! So pass this on. I want to be able to stuff his book full. This weekend he began for the first time asking some major questions about his differences and I am hoping that this will be a reminder for him, whenever he needs it, about how much we all love him for who he is.
Please remember, your words don't have to be profound. They can simply be one word statements about the qualities he possesses that you are thankful for or love yourself. You can either post them here as a comment to this post, e-mail them to me, or send them by mail. As I said, I will collect them over the next two weeks, so please take a minute to share your thoughts for Colin.
This is really important to all of us, so please participate. This will be something that will help build his self esteem for years ahead. Please be a part of Colin's book! Thank you all in advance for taking the time to do this for him. I am sure he will thank you later in life.
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