To top it off, apparently Pennsylvania has changed the Medicaid system. So, I received information in the mail expressing an urgency for us to pick a carrier for Colin's Medicaid. This required calling the long list of doctor's, according to the person on the line from Enrollment Services, and requesting a list of the plans that they accepted. (Although the letter clearly stated that my Enrollment Specialist could help in providing this information.) I started the calling and on speciaist 3 decided to call it quits after realizing that all 3 accepted different plans. Too many tears (thanks to PMS) to continue calling and carrying on rational conversation. So, I will be working on that today, along with the rest of our insurance issues. Anyone out there who knows how to avoid the touchtone prompts? Feel free to share your tips. I am at this point praying that we are able to find a plan that the "most important" specialists share, so that we don't have to worry about a long list of consults with new doctors over the next month. Pray for that too. We like our doctors.
On a happier note, we visited our neighbors for dinner yesterday and the kids had a blast. Matt is a year younger than Colin and Chloe is a year younger than Karen's twins, Jon and Will. They always play so well together and it was nice for all of us to have company for dinner. And, of course, a little adult conversation is nice as well.
Jon and Will.

Chloe Elaine.

Colin and Matt.

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