Great appointment today...went through the checklist of specialists with the geneticist, who was extremely nice and thorough. She basically went down a list, which we should have had the first time around, with the not so thorough geneticist. Our goal, to be sure that we were up-to-date and in contact with all of the necessary specialists.
Ear, Nose and Throat...check
Craniofacial team...check a check
Cardiologist...they are looking into a follow up, but basically check.
So, looks like we're good to go for now. It was a good appointment, for once, someone made me feel like we have had it under control after all. Nothing missing. Yah! Chloe did really well and we headed to Petco after it was all over seeking a new beta, who is happily floating in his new home.
Colin also picked 10 feeder fish for Philbert, our turtle, and spent an hour watching him eat them one-by-one. So much fun...he was actually squealing like he used to when he was little. Ahhh...the simple things in life.
This weekend was nice. Nothing elaborate. Jeremy made dinner Saturday and we watched a family movie and a non-G rated movie after the kids went to bed. It was nice to have some low-key, calm, uninterrupted family time. We are on to week 5 without Daddy. Chloe still isn't adjusting. As far as she is concerned, he is here for one reason and one reason hold her. She caught him off gaurd on Saturday morning with her first deliberate little kiss. He didn't understand what she was trying to do at first and tried to move away. She made it very clear that he was getting a spit and protesting with a growl and moving his face back to hers. So cute!
Yes I looked again. You hadn't told me about Chloe kissing Jeremy that is so sweet. Oh by the way the non-G rated movie!......hmmmmmm, well I guess we'll all come to our own conclusion!
HA! HA! Nat! Funny Girl! It wasn't x-rated either. That would be quite a jump for this oh, so exotic life we're living! :)
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