The ped doc gave us an ok for the MRI on Wednesday. We hadn't ever seen her before, and she was a little hesitant to give the ok since he was just recently seen for branchiospasms. But, when I asked her if she'd ok him after examining him if she didn't know about the previous illness, she said yes. His lungs are clear (we were able to stop the albuterol on Saturday) and his sinuses were as well. She still asked about postponing, which would be fine, but this is the healthiest he's been in over a month and if we postpone, they'll most likely reschedule for a month or more later, which will put us in the center of winter...and chances are he'll be sick then as well. So, she is requesting that a Children's nurse and the anesthesiologist re-examine him Wednesday morning to be sure he is clear then as well. I'm confident everything will be fine. I know that she was only hesitant because she doesn't understand his history. Everything will be fine.
Chloe is feeling much better today. She was much more playful and has started talking a little more (baby talk - just so you didn't think she developed a vocabulary recently) and she ate like a champ today. She also slept all night last night, which meant I got my first full night's sleep in a while. As a result, I am much happier today as well.
The weather was so nice here today. While she napped this afternoon, I actually got out of the house and did some yardwork. It was nice to be out. Colin got to head to the park with a friend for a while after school and was thrilled about that.
Thanks Mark for stopping by for a visit tonight! We're all always happy to see you.
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