Saturday, February 24, 2007


Colin signed up today for a Read-a-thon to benefit Multiple Sclerosis. He is really excited about it and looking for pledges. Basically, you pledge a donation of so much per book, such as 50 cents per book, at the end of March, we'll total his books read and that times your amount will give us the total donation. He's really excited about it and plans to read at least 1 book a day. Thanks to NaNa and PaPa, the Jordan's, Gramie and Pop, and Grammie and Pap for your pledges! He's so excited. So far he's raised nearly $10.00. Just let me know if you would like to pledge as well, either via e-mail or a post.

By the way, he is doing this on his own, not through school, or an organization. We saw the flyer and I explained what it was for and he made the decision to take on the challenge. It's moments like these that let me know that as parents, we really must be doing something right. I'm a proud mommy. :)

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