Thursday, October 26, 2006

Long Day

Poor Chloe got worse as the day went on. We ended up in the ER, because her doc didn't have any openings. She is having such a hard time breathing that she can't even really cry. They x-rayed her chest and apparently she has a "pocket" of the beginnings of either pneamonia or rsv. The ER doc started her on an antibiotic until we can get into the pediatrician's in the morning. Feeling so bad for her. Praying for a restful night for her. Today was long.

Luckily, Jerm came home this morning. So nice to have him to help with both of the kids. Not to mention, I am in need of lots of hugs right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Chris! I have to tell you that I love reading this. I check on it about once a week.

I MISS YA! We need to get together with the kids and chat.

Are you going to the reunion? We need to talk....
