Friday, January 12, 2007

BAHA at home.

So far, so good. He really took to the BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) well. I think at this point it is actually called a BCHA (Bone Conduction Hearing Aid) because it isn't bone anchored yet. Anyway, he could tell a difference right away. Upon testing, they noted at least a 20 decibel increase in his ability to hear with it on. As we walked out into the parking garage, he was talking to me about the cars, etc. and turned around quickly because her heard his own echo. He said, "d'you hear that? That was an echo!" And he spent all of last night stomping everywhere he went because he could "really hear his feet now." The band is going to take some getting used to. After 4 hours on, he was complaining of it itching. But, all in all, he is excited about it. We are going to wait until next week to start having him wear it to school, so that he can get used to it first. Taking it step by step.

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