Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Missing little ears and dimples and such.

This morning as I checked Colin's back after he woke (which by the way, still looks great), the realization hit that the little sacral dimple he had, which sat a few inches above his bum, is gone. It was removed during his spinal cord release surgery. It was actually caused by the dermal sinus tract they found after the went in to release his cord, so when the incision was made to remove the tract, it removed the dimple. Something, as strange as it sounds, I will miss. I had grown quite fond of it. Just one more part of my baby that has changed. I miss his little ear everytime we hug. I used to rub my lips on it when we cuddled and rocked at night and I have actually cried a time or two or three over the loss of that soft little ear. So, I cry for things I miss and am saddened by the scars my baby will always bare. My little soldier and his war wounds.

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