Monday, January 15, 2007

The Flu, Again

Colin this time. Ugh! He woke up with it yesterday. I predicted it Saturday night as we drove home from Chuck E. Cheese...100s of finger-lickin', game playin', runny-nosed kids. I'm pretty sure that he doesn't even have to come into direct contact with the germs, they seek him out. Anyway, he is feeling better today and I am in sanitation mode. If I wasn't a germaphob before (which I'm pretty sure I was), there is absolutely no doubt I am now. Please do not be offended if I ask you to scrub down next time you come to visit! :) I am not a big fan of cold weather, but mother nature...bring it on! I want snow and ice and cold temps to kill it all. Thanks in advance! And, I apologize to those who would prefer to skip winter altogether! I am tired of colds, and the flu, and tummy aches, and laundry...especially laundry.

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