Saturday, October 07, 2006


Colin seems much better today. Couldn't sleep last night, so I actually ended up looking up much of the medical jargon. I should have just done it right away. I always end up thinking about it until I get the definitions. So, here's the translation. It states:

His left orbit [eye socket] is elevated somewhat greater than the right. His left cheek is somewhat hypoplastic [pertaining to the underdevelopment of tissue]. His left ear bas been reconstructed with otogenous [originating from the ear] cartilage. [which is untrue...the cartilage is from his rib.] His mandible shows a 5 degrees upward cant with minimal change to the maxilla. His palate shows some hemiparesis [paralysis affecting only one side] on the left side. His cranial nerve exam was difficult because of inability to cooperate. (Of course, he was playing shy. We all know better. :)) Intraoral examination reveals the presence of mild left hemipalatal paresis [same, paralysis on one side] with his palate elevating up and to the right. Perceptual velopharyngeal [pertaining to the soft palate and pharynx...pertains to speech] assessment today reveals symptoms of bilateral inconsistnet visible nasal emission and mild hypernasality [speech disorder occurring when the plate and pharnyx tissues do not close properly]. He obtained a weighted speech score of 2 today indicative of a borderline competent velopharyngeal mechanism.

The plan: we will begin monitoring the growth and development of Colin's jaws over time. He may be a candidate for a soft tissue balancing procedure in the future, as well as jaw surgery to level and align his dental planes.

The only speech articulation error noted during speech production today is interdentalization of sibilants (Christi's note: slurring of s's. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of younger kids have this and outgrow it.)

So there you have it. Nothing new really, except the shifting jaw. And the speech junk, which I am not concerned at all about. :) Obviously, Colin is having no difficulty communicating. Ha!

Jeremy is sleeping soundly in our own bed. Yah! Colin is concerned that he needs to be checked on consistently...I have assured him that Daddy has this sleeping thing down pat and can handle it on his own. If he's lucky he'll get 4 hours. Poor guy! I haven't even let Chloe see him yet. Once she realizes his home, she won't let him leave her side. At all...she misses him. Daddy's girl without a doubt.

I'll update after Monday's appointment, but I am off to spend the weekend with my WHOLE family!

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