Monday, November 27, 2006

Neurosurgery Appointment

Went well. Thanks first and foremost to Evie for traveling along. So nice to have you there...thanks for all of the help with both of the kids. The doc basically explained the surgery to us in more detail...they'll go in remove a little bone from two of the vertebrae to allow room to get to the pocket of fat...they'll open up the fluid sack and remove the fat to release his spinal cord. The incision will only be about 3 inches. The surgery is on Friday and then he'll have to stay flat Saturday and Sunday. Late Sunday they'll start to raise his bed and see how it goes and let him take it from there. If all goes well, we'll get to come home on Monday. The doc made us feel more at ease with everything, mostly because she was so at ease with the whole process. They do this often and she said she explained the complications, but said she has never had anyone experience those complications...she's only read about them. So that made us feel better about it all, too. She said that actually as soon as he is feeling like it, he can go back to school...even that next week before Christmas. So...that made us feel better, too. So all in all, a good visit.

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